Metro To Run Extra Trains For Nationals' Victory Parade On Saturday

We STILL aren't over the fact that the Nationals are WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONS & we feel like we've been prepping our whole lives for their victory parade on Saturday, Nov. 2.

The parade starts at 2P at the intersection of 15th & Constitution Ave NW (right by the Washington Monument) and will move down Constitution Ave parallel to the National Mall. The parade will end at Pennsylvania Avenue and Third Street NW with a rally in front of the Capitol.

Metro will be the way to go on Saturday since the city is expecting tens of thousands to show up and in preparation for that, they will be offering extra trains on all lines. Starting at 10:30AM, the Metro will be running at their rush hour pace with trains coming into stations every 3-4 minutes in Downtown DC and every 6-12 minutes at end-of-line stations. Work originally scheduled between McPherson Sq and Federal Center SW has been rescheduled.

To prepare for the festivities, text “NATS” to 888-777 for text alerts on safety, transit, and weather updates.

Thumbnail photo: Getty Images

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