Have You Heard Of The Metro Challenge? Hit Every Metro Stop In One Trip.


If you've lived in DC for a while, you may have heard of the Metro Challenge. If you're new to the area, let us introduce you to it.

The Metro Challenge is simple - hit all 91 metro stops between DC, Maryland and Virginia in one trip. Why would one want to do this? We aren't entirely sure. But what we do know is that it takes approx. 8 hours to complete and $3.85 on your SmarTrip card.

Jane Recker, a writer for the Washingtonian Magazine recently attempted this unique challenge and after taking advice regarding her route from Riley Dosh, a DC data consultant, she was able to hit every stop in eight hours and 9 minutes. According to the article, Recker described her time hours on the train as "if I had to sum it up, boring. Dosh’s route was pretty much flawless, so all I had to do was make sure I didn’t space out and miss my connections to other lines."

Photo: Getty

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