Gov. Larry Hogan Announces Policies For Maryland To Combat COVID-19 Surge

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Gov. Larry Hogan hosted a press conference regarding the surge of COVID-19 in Maryland and has enacted the following policies:

  • The Maryland Department of Health is issuing an order which will restrict hospital visitations statewide until further notice (except for compassionate care, a parent or guardians of minors, obstetrics and support for patients with disabilities)
  • Indoor visitation to Maryland nursing homes will be limited to compassionate care visits and visitors will be required to have proof of a negative test result within 72 hours prior to their visit
  • Effective Friday, November 20th, at 5P., all bars and restaurants statewide, all facilities, venues, night clubs, social clubs and other establishments where food and alcohol are served will be required to close by 10P
  • Bars and restaurants are permitted to be open for seated, distanced service only
    • Patrons must remain distance at least 6 feet apart and no groups larger than 6 people are permitted to be seated per table. Customers who are not seated cannot be served.
  • Effective Friday at 5P, capacity for retail businesses, organizations, religious institutions, establishments and facilities statewide will revert back 50% capacity (stage 2)
    • Includes personal services businesses, bingo halls, bowling alleys, pool halls, roller and ice skating rinks, fitness centers and social and fraternal clubs
  • Fans will no longer be permitted at any collegiate or professional stadiums or racetracks
  • Masks are required at all outdoor public areas whenever it is not possible to maintain physical distancing

Violations of the public health order are subject to a fine of up to $5,000, and up to one year in prison.

At the time of his press conference, Maryland has had 12 straight days of 1,000 daily new cases and the 7 day positivity rate is now 6.85%. 19 of the state's hospitals have hit over 90% capacity due to the increase of COVID hospitalizations. 4,186 Marylanders have lost their lives to the coronavirus, which is more deaths than the result of car accidents, gun violence and the flu combined in the state.

Gov. Hogan reiterated the importance of wearing a mask as that is the "single best mitigation strategy that we have to fight the virus."

Read the full transcript here.

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