The Ruthless Purge

Things I have realized while moving:

  1. I have SO many socks. I don't even feel strongly about most of them. If you're going to have socks, only have ones you love. Because we all know that an uncomfortable sock situation is enough to make you lose your mind.
  2. I have way too many clothes for someone who wears 5 things in various shades of black. No more...if I haven't worn it in the past year, it's going to a special section of the closet. It has 1 more month to be worn before it's hitting the donation pile!
  3. Kitchen things. I love to cook. But I don't need all these things.
    1. 1 microplane is enough to zest a lemon or lime. I don't need a separate one for cheese grating, one for garlic AND one for citrus. 2 max because no one wants a garlic flavored lemon zest on their fruit.
    2. HOW MANY PYREX DOES ONE NEED?! And various sizes! 1 big 1 small should be fine. OR just a 2 cup boy.
    3. That salad spinner is giant and 90% of the time I buy lettuce already cleaned or in a situation that it can be cleaned and dried easily without the spinner.
  4. Cords. I'm going to regret this, I am sure. But I am dumping anything not immediately adjacent to the item it charges or transfers data with.
  5. Headphones. I have broken ones, new ones, gifted ones, travel's out of hand. Because also NONE of them are what I use for my actual job, which I have 2 pairs of already.
  6. Canned goods. We have a great backstock for emergencies. But we don't really have the room for that. So I am going through what I will use in the the month of August, maybe September and the rest (non-expired of course) will be brought to the food bank.

I could really go through the whole list with you but I think we all are annoyed with my excess.

Ultimately, I have too many things that A. take up space B. don't get used by me C. don't bring me joy. And if I think about it as these are items that could bring joy and get used by others, it helps the process.

I'm making lots of donations to various places depending on the items and who they will benefit most. For example, Women's dress clothes and personal care items would be well used at a Woman's Shelter vs maybe, Goodwill. I have the time to do that, but if you don't-any good quality donation to any charity is great!

Good luck purging if this inspired you to go through your stuff. Or maybe you just think I'm a maniac. Also fine.

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