Queen Elizabeth's Pancakes Make Me Miss My Grandmother

My Grandmother was a wonderful cook and baker. She had many recipes typed up AND handwritten and they have been passed down to us grandkids. The thing is, the measurements or the names of the ingredients have changed so good luck making some of them.

I was reminded of this lovely fact about my life and my grandmother with Queen Elizabeth's Drop Scones recipe.

The recipe itself is in the National Archives

Buzzfeed went ahead and made the recipe and said it's like an American pancake but fluffier. That's enough for me to try it! Luckily Buzzfeed also translated the ingredients and measurements to modern day as well.

Be honest, would you know the measurement equivalent of 4 teacups of flour? Exactly.

Here is the buzzfeed article to try them yourself!

Here is more about the recipe and how it ended up in the National Archives!

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