Community DC | WRAP & SoberRide

Photo: WRAP


WRAP’s SoberRide®, called one of the nation’s most successful free safe ride programs for would-be impaired drivers, has helped to ensure greater Washington, DC residents have a safe way home on high-risk holidays. Since 1991, WRAP has provided 80,047 safe rides home. Currently, SoberRide® operates during the December/January holiday season, St. Patrick’s Day, Cinco de Mayo, Independence Day and Halloween.

WRAP’s SoberRide® provides a free Lyft ride home up to $15.

Users are financially responsible for anything over $15.

You must be 21 or older to use the SoberRide® service. Valid in Lyft’s Washington, D.C. coverage area.

You cannot reserve a SoberRide® or schedule a pickup in advance.

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