Community DC Interview | John Pray Jr. | Operation Homefront

Photo: Operation Homefront

About Us

Operation Homefront, a nationally recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, builds strong, stable, and secure military families so they can thrive, not simply struggle to get by, in the communities - OUR communities - they have worked so hard to protect.

Since 2002, Operation Homefront has been proudly serving America’s military families. Our organization provides relief and recurring family support programs and services throughout the year to help military families overcome short-term difficulties so they don’t become long-term hardships. Operation Homefront has consistently earned high ratings from leading charity rating services, including Charity Navigator, which gave Operation Homefront 4 Stars for 11 consecutive years for superior service and accountability. At Operation Homefront, 85 percent of expenditures go directly toward delivering programs and services to the military families who need it most.

Mission, Vision, Values, and DEI


Our mission is to build strong, stable, and secure military families so they can thrive, not simply struggle to get by, in the communities – OUR communities – they have worked so hard to protect.

A key aspect of our mission is to ensure that military families have access to the support and resources they need to stay strong, stable, and secure in the face of adversity. As a military family support organization, we strive to provide respect and understanding to our military families while ensuring that all families in need of assistance receive it.


Our vision is to be the provider of choice for short-term financial relief and

recurring family support programs to ensure the long-term empowerment,

self-sufficiency, and resiliency of our military families.


  • Do What’s Right: Our actions must always reflect the best interests of the military families we seek to serve.
  • Respect Others: Recognizing the multiplicative power inherent in a diverse workforce, we place a priority on creating a collaborative, trust-based working environment that values dignity, teamwork, and each individual’s contribution to our collective success.
  • Perform With Excellence: Our troops and their families work tirelessly to protect the freedoms we enjoy daily, and they deserve our very best efforts to support them. To do so, we must stay focused on our mission, be accountable, and strive to exceed their expectations.
  • Gratitude: As a conduit by which Americans are able to show their appreciation for all that our military community does on our behalf, we must reflect this appreciation and be grateful to all who help us accomplish our mission.


Operation Homefront is committed to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion as a foundational component of our mission to support our military families. Our core values of Do What’s RightGratitudePerform with Excellence, and Respect Others, reinforce the importance of a diverse workforce and encourage collaboration, dignity, and teamwork. We embrace differences in gender, race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, religion, and abilities. Our ongoing commitment to using our core values as practical tools to guide our behaviors assists us in the creation of an inclusive and respectful environment, where all feel they belong, and are valued for their individual contributions to our collective success.​


By connecting the American donor community to our military families through a robust array of valued and life-changing programs that address the specific short-term and Critical Financial Assistance, long-term stability, and recurring support needs they experience, Operation Homefront is able to help military families overcome many of the challenges inherent in military life. The result: stronger, more stable, and more secure military families. Our programs include:




over 160,000

holiday meals to military and veteran families.

over 700 families

housed in Permanent Homes for Veterans surpassing over $102M in deeded home equity to military families.

$39 million

given in relief through the Critical Financial Assistance program with over 53,000 requests fulfilled.

$55 million

saved in school supplies for parents. Provided over 500,000 backpacks with school supplies to military children.

How we Make a Difference 


Leadership and Board of Directors 


Our partners have been essential in helping us serve America’s military families by providing the necessary resources and support to ensure the best outcome for our families. We have worked with small businesses, large corporations, and everyone in between to ensure that our military families have the opportunity to remain strong, stable, and secure.

Our Partners 

Operation Homefront is grateful to our partners and their commitment to improving the lives of military and veteran families in our communities.

Partner with us to Support Military Families 


At Operation Homefront, Inc., we are dedicated to supporting America’s military families with transparency and efficiency. We employ various channels, such as email, postal mail, and phone, to communicate with our supporters and potential donors. We understand that these families have worked tirelessly to protect our nation and we want to ensure that they thrive, not merely get by. To that end, we allocate the majority of our fundraising costs to program services, in accordance with the guidelines set by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). As a nonprofit organization serving America’s military families, we strive to use our donors’ money efficiently and effectively.

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