Maryland To Obtain 500K COVID-19 Tests From South Korea

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Maryland has acquired 500,000 COVID-19 tests from LabGenomics, which is based in South Korea. Gov. Larry Hogan's communication director, Mike Ricci, confirmed the news and Gov. Hogan will make an official statement at 2PM during his press conference.

According to the New York Times, "[Gov. Hogan's] wife, Yumi Hogan, a Korean immigrant who speaks fluent Korean, had been on the phone in the middle of the night helping to secure the final deal with two labs to sell Maryland the tests."

They also reported that a flight from South Korea landed at BWI with 5,000 tests and that "Mr. Hogan, his wife and a group of other state officials greeted the flight to receive the kits. The new tests, once they have passed muster in local labs, will be distributed to the testing centers the state has set up in sporting fields, repurposed vehicle emissions testing centers and other locations."

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