Photo: Greta Barnes
If you would like to find out more information, donate or attend any events in the DMV, log on to Arthritis Foundation Metro DC
Call 800-283-7800
All donations should be directed to our National Mail Center. Complete and include this Donation Form to ensure your contribution is applied to your local Arthritis Foundation fundraising efforts.
Arthritis Foundation Office
Arthritis Foundation Office1355 Peachtree Street, Suite 600Arthritis Foundation, GA 30309
Live Yes! Connect
Looking to meet other people who understand what daily life with arthritis is really like? Looking for support, encouragement, or just a bit of fun? Live Yes! Connect Groups bring together people with arthritis, friends, loved ones, and caregivers for fun social and informative educational events and activities focused on mutual support and positive coping strategies for living well.
Through your local Live Yes! Connect Group, you can gain the knowledge and resilience to be an empowered patient — who doesn’t just survive life with arthritis, but also THRIVES.