This is what The Rock's cheat meal looks like.

Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock posted what he ate for his cheat meal yesterday. INSANE!

I think I would be full after about half of that first burger. WOW! He does eat a ridiculous amount of calories on a regular basis and clearly needs more calories than the normal person, but check this out!

Pictures are below but to sum it up:

  • Sunday cheat meal train 🚂 rolls on down the line.
  • Two fat 8oz double cheeseburgers with bacon and fries.
  • Double shot of my new tequila - chilled 🥶🥃👍🏾
  • I have a big shoot in the gym tomorrow for my next @projectrock@underarmour collection. In a crazy science, these cheat meals tonight should actually help my physique come in with a more fuller pump and vascularity for tomorrow’s shoot.
  • Or maybe I’m just looking for more excuses to drink my tequila and eat like shit 😂🤦🏽‍♂️
  • Enjoy your cheatmeals my friends 🍔🥃

  • Midnight sugar train leaves the station.
  • Brownies, blondies, peanut butter, chocolate chip and double chocolate cookies.
  • With a fat slice of a cheesecake chaser.
  • Now subvert all this sugar glory with a great Ken Burns documentary on PROHIBITION and we have ourselves a helluva party.
  • Don’t cheat yourself, treat yourself and enjoy your cheat meals my friends.

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