Every day I spend a few minutes being grateful, meditating and setting intentions for the day. Some days it's 2 minutes and some days it's 30-45. Sometimes it's in the shower or while I'm brushing my teeth because that's all I can fit in. On days that it's only 2 minutes long and in the shower, I don't yell at myself about it. I just accept that today's going to be busier than yesterday or tomorrow. No harm, no foul.
But since today is the Summer Solstice, which means it's the longest day of the year, I have decided that I'm going to take the extra seconds I get today and put them to good use making a Summer Bucket List.
All photos are my own.
1. Check out a local vineyard.
I have been to vineyards and wineries all over the world: USA, Canada, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Australia...but when it comes to checking out local vineyards, I'm not doing a very good job. The weirdest part is that I LOVE to shop local and support local purveyors/artisans. So let's make it happen! Any suggestions?
2. Check out a local brewery or tasting room.
In my previous life in St Petersburg, Florida, I lived smack in the middle of a ton of breweries. Often I'd go to meet up with friends or grab a beer as if these places were just a standard bar. Since I have moved, while I have found many local beers to enjoy I have not visited their actual locations. Totally lame. What should be on my list of local tasting rooms or breweries to visit?!
3. Learn how to grill.
This one is sort of ridiculous if you know me. I can cook almost anything. I can make fresh pasta, a real Gumbo, french onion soup, Paella, steak to any desired degree, Sous Vide anything...there isn't much I haven't cooked or attempted to cook. But I have no idea how to grill. And for some strange reason it intimidates me more than any sort of seafood possibly could. (Probably should wait to master this type of grill below, but how pretty?!)
4. Walk/Run/Bike 100 miles.
This sounds like a lot but when you realized I have 73 days to do this, it's really not that bad. I've been terrible about cardio during my workouts so this will push me. Also a few friends have expressed interest in this bucket list item so it may be a bit of a competition, which always helps!
5. Watch the sunset 5 times.
When you live in a coastal city, the sunset is a big deal, and a Florida sunset is particularly spectacular. But ever since I moved, I haven't seen one. At least I don't remember seeing one, which just feels wrong. So even though I'm on the radio around the time that this would happen, I'm determined to catch at least 5 sunsets over the next 10 weeks.