Play Bachelorette Bingo For The Finale Tonight

Will it be Peter, Tyler or Jed?!

WE DON'T KNOW! But what we do know is that you can make Hannah's finale of The Bachelorette that much more dramatic by playing your own version of Hannah B(ingo) along with the show tonight!

Life & Style Magazine put together bingo cards that you can download and print for the two-night finale to help ease the tension that you'll be feeling as Hannah makes her decision on who she wants to spend the rest of her life with. Spaces include "Hannah Cries," "Jed breaks out the guitar" and "overly sparkly dress" among others (yes, "Roll Tide" is one of the spaces").

Bingo not your thing? Don't worry. They've also put together a drinking game for the finale! Take a sip if the camera zooms in for a close-up shot of a rose. Take a shot if someone starts crying on After The Final Rose.

Click HERE to download the Hannah B(ingo) cards and to see the drinking game!

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