
Meet Narwhal, A Puppy With A Tail On His Head Who Was Found In The Cold

Can we get a collective AWWWWW?!

World, meet Narwhal. This little pup was found out in the cold Missouri streets and is currently being cared for by Mac's Mission and getting all of the love from the internet...but HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE HIM?!

So to answer the big question on your mind, no. Narwhal's tiny tail on his forehead does not wag. According to the vets treating Narwhal, his second tail is not connected to anything so therefore it can not move on it's own and at this point there is no intent on removing it. But thankfully that doesn't hinder him from being a puppy! Videos from Mac's Mission show that he likes to play tug and run around just like any other pups do and his vets say "[h]e seems completely healthy other than some usual puppy worms he got meds for."

Narwhal is currently not up for adoption because his foster family want to continue watching him grow to ensure that his unicorn tail does not create any future issues.

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