DC's Wildly Popular Pop-Up Bar In Shaw Is Closed For Good


DC's wildly popular pop-up bar in Shaw has permanently closed their doors, which means no more cherry blossom pub or Miracle On 7th Street 😢 Over the past 5 years, Drink Company has created extravagant pop-up bars at their 7th. 1843 7th St., NW. location and in a new interview with Washingtonian Magazine, they have revealed that their time creating these experiences is over.

“We’re tired. That’s probably the easiest way to say it,” says owner Derek Brown. “In essence, we open a new bar four or five times a year…. At the end of the day, it’s an overwhelming amount of work to do, and I don’t think we can continue to do it.”

People would be lined up on the streets of Shaw for over an hour for the chance to try one of the bar's themed cocktails (previous themes have included Game Of Thrones, the Royal Wedding, Godzilla, Super Mario, GWAR & David Bowie) or to grab an Instagram worthy shot in one of the four decked out rooms. But the amount of detail that would go into creating these sets came with a price. In the interview, Brown mentions that it was hard to see this being worth it” for a bar that was basically closed half of the year.

A permanent bar sounds like it's out of the conversation, so at this point all we have are the photos on our phones to reminisce.

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