Cherry Blossoms Projected To Hit Peak Bloom This Weekend

Reflection Of Trees In Water

How about a little bit of pink to brighten up the news?

It is bring projected that the cherry blossoms will hit peak bloom a couple of days earlier than expected. The National Cherry Blossom Festival originally stated that the blossoms would be at their fullest from March 27-30, but the National Park Service (NPS) has revealed that due to warmer weather they are now "forecasting peak bloom to start in the range of March 21-24!"

The news comes in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic and the CDC advises that people enforce social distancing by avoiding large crowds. According to the NPS' website, "Most national parks are open, and facilities are maintaining continuity of operations. The NPS is implementing some temporary closures and modifications to operations..." and "[v]isitors can be assured that facilities and services in national parks, including lodges, restaurants, and shuttles, continue to monitor conditions and maintain high standards related to the health and wellness of staff and visitors. Park and concession staff are working to maintain clean and healthy facilities in parks in accordance with CDC guidance."

At this time (March 16, 2:15PM), the Belmont-Paul Women's Equality National Monument, Ford's Theatre National Historic Site, Old Post Office Tower and Washington Monument are closed. The National Cherry Blossom Festival has also cancelled most of their events out of precaution.

Photo: Getty

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