BuzzFeed asked its readers to share their favorite food hacks for lazy people. Here is your full list
- Embrace one-pan meals, even for things you might usually cook on the stove like stir-fry and fajitas.
- Instead of using water in ready-made brownie mixes, use coffee. You can't taste the coffee but it deepens the chocolate flavor.
- If you want egg in your instant noodles, crack one in while the noodles are part-cooked, and by the time they're done you'll have a perfectly cooked egg.
- For quicker mashed potatoes, cut the potatoes up and leave the skins on.
- After you open a can, the easiest way to pull the lid out is to use a small fridge magnet.
- Get an Instant Pot so that you can put all your ingredients in it, leave it for hours and then open it to find a delicious dinner.
- Make bacon in the oven to avoid the mess and smoke of cooking it on the pan.
- If your fresh vegetables are a hassle to prepare or just go to waste, try buying frozen ones instead.
- Place onions in hot water for a few minutes to make them easier to peel.
- Get a garlic mincer.