Most of my holidays are spent away from my family. It's not that I don't love them, it's that I don't live near them and they live in cold and wintry destinations and not all in the same city. So it's just not easy to make it work.
I have been volunteering as much as possible during most holidays. Even my friends don't know I do it. I just keep it quiet and figure that I'm doing something to help other people enjoy the holidays instead of being focused on not having people to spend mine with.
Now imagine if I had only been in LA helping the hungry...I'D HAVE BEEN HANGING WITH MR. T!
On Sunday morning the homeless and hungry folks assembled on the city's Skid Row to enjoy a free Easter brunch arranged by the Midnight Mission. Among several volunteers passing out ham and vegetables was none other than Mr. T!
The Los Angeles Times notes that the former A-Team star hugged fans and took selfies with them. "It makes you feel whole again," Oswald Barbosa, who's looking for housing and a job, said of the brunch.
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